‘Cameron’ the Camera Operator

A camera operator is responsible for filming, ensuring the camera is positioned at the right angles and levels.


“It was really fun using the camera, I have learnt many skills such as panning, zooming and filming from different angles. I now use these skills at home when I create mini beast videos in my garden.”


“It was really fun using the camera, I have learnt many skills such as panning, zooming and filming from different angles. I now use these skills at home when I create mini beast videos in my garden.”


‘Sally’ the Sound Supervisor

Sound supervisors are responsible to make sure that scenes are being recorded correctly by making sure the actors/actresses are talking at the right level.


‘Superstar Blue’ & ‘Superstar Sally’ Actors/Actresses

An actor/actress responsibility is to communicate as a character or performer to an audience through speech, body language, expression and movement. It is vital they understand the importance of speaking clearly and confidently.


“It’s been amazing getting into character and acting out my role as King Harold. Having the costumes and the right props has made everything so realistic. I would love to carry on with drama in secondary school if I’m given the option.”


Edison the Editor

An editor’s responsibility is to watch clips and pick out the best scenes in order to put together for the final video. Editors also add effects or special effects depending on what the project is about; this is usually the final step of the production.


“I found this role challenging to start off with as I felt I had the biggest responsibility and the outcome of the project depended on my final say. However, I found that working closely with the team really helped and their suggestions were very valuable to me. Working collaboratively with others is a very valuable skill I’ve gained whilst working as a Media Monster.”


My love for writing allowed me to take on this role confidently. Working as a Media Monster has inspired me to think about writing for different audiences when I grow up and making my own films one day!


‘Scripty’ the Script Writer

A script writer’s responsibility is to write up a story or idea to put it into script format for actors/actress to rehearse.


‘Derik’ the Director

A director’s responsibility is to manage the actors/actresses by making sure they are using expression, gestures and also making sure they are following the script.


“I really enjoy my role as a director because I can confidently share my opinions with the rest of the team and direct them without sounding bossy.”

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