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The curriculum at Iqra Primary School aims to prepare children in understanding the world around them and prepare them to become lifelong learners. Our ambitious curriculum is designed to give all learners an equal opportunity to self-direct their own learning and to adopt a positive mindset. Coherently planned and carefully sequenced lessons provide opportunities for deeper learning, allowing learners to think critically, communicate effectively across all subjects and transfer their acquired knowledge and skills from one situation to another. Our curriculum is tailored to capitalise on the knowledge and cultural diversity of the local environment.


As part of the curriculum planning process, teachers work in teams to carefully plan cross curricular learning opportunities. This includes:

  • Carefully planned sequence of lessons which focus on progression and depth
  • Opportunities to integrate new knowledge through the ‘three tiers’ approach to mastering vocabulary
  • ‘Knowledge harvest’ which maps the learning journey by providing a baseline of current understanding and misconceptions
  • Challenge opportunities for learners to express viewpoints, consider opinions and to assess and evaluate information e.g. distinguishing fact and opinion
  • Quizzes and similar exercises where learner’s ability to retain information; remember the content long term and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts are assessed
  • Creating fluid and exciting experiences beyond the classroom which take priority as a source of enrichment


The impact of our curriculum is to develop learners who are more socially aware, confident and reflective. The impact of the depth and quality of learning is assessed using the following methods:

  • Tracking standards of the whole curriculum through formative and summative assessments as well as from achievements from quizzes
  • Revisiting the ‘knowledge harvest’ at the end of each subject domain to demonstrate new learning and greater depth understanding
  • Reviewing pupil responses through open ended questions that lead them to explore interests of their own independently
  • Book sampling exercises across the school thinking about evidence of pupils learning, making judgments and strengthening outcomes.
  • A celebration of learning for each term which demonstrates planned progression across the school