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E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Iqra. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any e-Safety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our E-Safety Policy. E-Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.

The best way to help your child to be safe when using the internet is to talk to them and make sure they understand a few simple rules which can be found in our E-Safety Policy (please see below). Here, you canread about our school rules for responsible ICT use and other ideas about how to keep your child safe when using the Internet.

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the e-Safety message is consistent. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online. It’s essential to be realistic- banning the internet or technology will not work and it often makes a child less likely to report a problem. Education around safe use is therefore essential. Please note that no search engine is ever 100% safe but below provides some links to some “safer” search engines:

Google offers a safer search option for children searching on the Internet.

Image searching

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online

Please click here to access the Parent and Carers Safer Internet Centre

Please read the letter to make yourself aware of the dangers behind unstable online activities


When children are accessing games via Xbox LIVE, privacy settings can be set up. To read more, click here.

CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) delivers a multi-agency service dedicated to tackling the abuse and exploitation of children in the real and ‘e’ world. Often it is referred to as an online 999. By clicking on this link, young people and parents can get advice on a range of issues such as viruses, hacking and dealing with bullying online.

Click on the below link to access information about Cyber Bullying and to pick up tips to keep safe online.

You may find these websites useful if you wish find out more about internet safety:

  • – The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre has set up its own educational website which has been designed and written specifically for children, young people, teachers, parents and carers.
  • – Kidsmart is an award winning internet safety website for parents and those working with children. It has been developed by the children’s internet charity Childnet International and has excellent information on many of the technologies used by children, with guidance on how to ‘stay safe’ online.
  • – Vodafone have developed this website in conjunction with mumsnet. It is very accessible and provides information and guidance to parents about understanding their child’s digital world and about getting more involved. There is even an on-line test to see how much you know!