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Why is it important to ensure my child is attending school?

There are many reasons why it’s important for your child to be at school within term time:

  • Regular school attendance is vital in ensuring that children maximise the educational opportunities available to them.
  • It is also an important element in keeping your child safe.
  • Statistics and research tell us that non-attendance impacts upon children’s abilities to achieve Expected+ Levels in their End of Key Stage 2 SATs examinations at the end of Year 6.
  • Attending school regularly also reduces anti-social behaviour and reduces poor attitudes in behaviour for learning.

What can I do to help with my child’s attendance?

To help your child’s attendance as well as adhere to the new Penalty Notice Code of Conduct you can:

  • Send your child to school on time every day.
  • If your child is unwell, contact the school on the first day of absence and return your child to school as soon as possible.
  • Make sure your child knows you do not approve of them missing school.
  • Take holidays during school holidays.
  • Talk to staff as soon as any issues arise.

Full details of our policy below

Attendance Policy

What do I do if I am late in picking up my child?

What parents do:

  • Call the school office to explain the situation.

What the school does if your child is collected late regularly:

We would kindly like to remind you that the children need to be collected on time at the end of the school day.

  • Reception end of day pick up 2:50pm
  • Year 1 to Year 6 end of day pick 3:00pm

We understand that on some occasions this is not possible. Therefore, parents will be given a 20-minute window to collect their child if they are running late. If your child is not collected within this time period, they will be put into the late collection Club.

Late collection club charges: £5 for every 20 minutes that your child is in the club.

Late collection charges will be made to you via your child’s Parentpay account.

Reporting Child Absence

As part of our school absence procedure, all parents are expected to notify the school every day their child is absent.

Please see below the procedure to report your child’s absence

  • Call the school office from 8.00am onwards (01753 520018) and leave a message (Option 1). In the message please include Child’s Name, Class and Reason for absence.
  • Alternatively email the school office with the above details –

If the school has not received a message from the parent informing us of their child’s absence, the following will be carried out by the school Attendance team.

  • You will either receive a telephone call from Mrs Butt, Attendance Officer to establish reason for absence or an email asking you to contact the school to provide the reason for absence.
  • In some cases, where we are unable to make contact with families to establish reason for absence, a home visit will be carried out.